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This semester has been one for the history books… We’ve learned of 3 students that have come to faith in Jesus through BCM and have seen others embrace amore proactive role in the spread of the gospel on campus.

Two highlights have been our weekly outreach table and our Go Groups:

Just yesterday at outreach we were engaging students with the Gospel when a non-binary student approached the table. One of our female students had an opportunity to engage her with the gospel and the love of Jesus. She explained God’s design and that sin is failure to live in that design. Our BCM student got her contact information and has already set up a gospel appointment with the non-binary student.

The really amazing thing is that this student that now will be presenting the gospel and building a relationship with this girl, was not a Christian herself until last semester when we saw God reveal Himself to her and she surrendered her life to Jesus. This is the fruit of BCM ministry! We are thankful for your support.

The other highlight is our Go-Groups. These are pairs of students that go out on campus at different times during the week to engage students with the Gospel. They receive training as to how to connect with others outside the Christian subculture and clearly present the gospel. This has yielded so much opportunity for sowing the seed of the Gospel on campus and is prepping students to engage a post-Christian culture when they join the workforce.

This will be of a huge benefit to our local churches as more students are trained and equipped for the work of ministry. As we are ending another school year and starting the preparation for the coming year, I would request that churches in our association send us contact information of students that you have coming to SLU in the summer or the fall. We would love to train them, equip them, and send them into the lost and dying world so that by the time they graduate they are a fully equipped missionaries that will reach their workplace and neighborhood… and that they will engage them in the body of Christ, the church!

Please be in continued prayer for our ministry on campus. If you would like to send contact info or get involved, please email or contact my cell 985-351-3943.